Re:Earth Engineering English - Page 1 of 1 2025-01-31 Rendering Polygons along the Terrain using a Stencil Test This introduces an implementation for rendering polygons and shading along the terrain using a stencil test in the new 3D map engine, enabling this functionality without requiring complex shaders. 2024-11-28 Terraform with Monorepo and GitHub Actions: Optimizing CI/CD with Side Effects We manage Google Cloud resources using Terraform. By adopting Terraform Modules and a Monorepo structure, we efficiently apply consistent changes across environments while improving maintainability. This article highlights our efforts to enhance CI/CD workflows, including tracking Module changes and optimizing processes using GitHub Actions. 2024-11-20 What is RTIN, which builds hierarchical LOD in real time? I implemented RTIN algorithm, which builds hierarchical LOD in real time. This algorithm significantly reduces the number of vertices in terrain rendering, allowing for efficient rendering while maintaining visual quality. 2024-10-11 Not Just Apollo Client! Why TanStack Query (React Query) is Recommended for GraphQL Make GraphQL development easier with TanStack Query! Using TanStack Query and graphql-request, we explain with concrete code examples why TanStack Query is superior to Apollo Client and showcase its advantages. 2024-09-12 LOD Algorithm in 3DCG Level of Detail (LOD) algorithms in 3DCG are important for efficient display of complex 3D models. This post summarizes these methods and findings while developing the map engine. 2024-08-02 Embed Env Vars in Files on a Nginx Docker Image with envsubst Learn to configure dynamic environment variables on a Nginx Docker image for flexible deployment. Ideal for high-traffic sites and microservices architectures. 2024-07-24 Take a Screenshot of Cesium Applications with GitHub's GPU Runner and Playwright Describes how to use GitHub's GPU Runner and Playwright to take screenshots of a Cesium application and detect degregs; how to set up GPU Runner, prepare Playwright, implement tests and visual regression testing. This section explains how to. 2024-07-17 Optimize Tile Rendering on the Earth Ellipsoid with Culling and SSE Optimisation methods for rendering tiles on the Earth ellipsoid are presented, using methods such as quadtree, frustum culling, horizon culling and Screen Space Error (SSE). 2024-07-08 Visualize Beautiful Heatmaps Faster on Cesium Dive into the world of custom visualizations in Cesium as we explore how to create a dynamic, terrain-conforming heatmap. 2024-06-25 Decompress a huge 100GB zip file on GCS with Go We have implemented a system in Go that can automatically extract 100GB-class zip/7z files uploaded to GCS on Google Cloud at the production level. This post will explain the technology. 2024-06-07 Data Structure and Mechanism of Spatial Partitioning in 3DCG In computer graphics, when performing operations based on the relationships between models, such as collision detection, in a large space, the computational load can become very high. To solve this, you can divide the space and compare only the models within the same partition, significantly reducing the computational load. 2024-05-31 Creating an Engineering Blog with Astro and Notion At Eukarya, we decided to launch an engineer blog. To publish Notion content as a static blog, we developed a new tool called Astrotion, taking inspiration from astro-notion-blog. Here, I will explain how we implemented its key features. 1